Abstract Artist and Art Teacher  - Acrylics, Watercolor, Lettering and Workshops
 Take a creative break with enilas Art in  Germany (Munich), Finland (Helsinki), Portugal ( Lisbon Area) or online. Abstract Art - Abstrakte Kunst, Kunst Unterricht, und creative break times in München - dein Malkurs

Workshops/ Creative Bullet Journaling

Creative Journaling - Get Started

Art Journal meets Bullet Journal



Together we will start your Creative Bullet Journal Journey! You will learn how to start your own creative bullet journal. Different materials and techniques are introduced, and you decide what concept works best for you. We work on the set up of different Logs and Trackers, and customize them for your needs.

What will you learn?

- basic knowledge about the technique behind Bullet Journaling
- tricks and tips on how to create your own journal
- how to combine creative elements of Art Journaling with the Bullet Journaling Method
- how to use your journal for personal reflection
- the basic set up of the journal


No prior expierence is required.

Next Workshops

Helsinki, 14.03.2024


Creative After Work -
Creative Journaling


Book Workshop
